“John 6:53-54 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day”.
Recently I have read the quotation above, studied many explanations given by clergy to clarify the meaning of it, but I still do not get it. These explanations are very confusing and I have a feeling that the same thing is repeated again and again. On your website you explain complicated stuff using simple words. Could you please explain these words of Jesus Christ.

- Dear Maxsim, please see below my explanation of this quote. I guess others will find it useful as well. It is simple and clear.
The soul lives within the heart and through blood it gives energy to the whole body. When the soul leaves the body, the circulation of blood stops and the person dies. For people, blood is the energy of life. The Lord said: "eat my flesh and drink my blood." FLESH stands for all living beings, wheat, rye, plants, earth, animals, all this is the flesh of God. Live, eat and remember that God is your Heavenly Parent. "Drink my blood" means that you need to pour into yourself the energy of God’s Love, and do not allow any other energy to enter your body. And if people live with sincere Love to the Lord, and according to the Simplicity of Christ, they can become True sons (daughters) of God and live with the Lord through the Ascension. It means eternal life and there will be no need to be born on Earth. The Sacred Words of the Great Master will be relevant for centuries, the main thing for people is to understand it right and to live by the Council of God.

Lyudmila Gubko



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2 комментария
  1. Andy
    There is a book book "Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus"
    1. lyudmila
      ПЕРЕВОД. Есть книга "Понимания трудных слов Иисуса"


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